Healing or Judgement?
Be honest about your feelings and get in touch with them, for instance; judgement, fear, blame, anger, despair, murderous thoughts, whatever is there.
At times people want to be a "good student" and fall into the trap of denying their feelings and burying them because they are not in accord with what they were taught they "should" feel. And so the healing process is delayed or derailed. When these metaphysical principles are imposed on themselves or others when they are really not ready at all to integrate them into their own lives it can feel preachy or even cruel.
Pulling in the Light all the time is not needed. Light is always there. Sometimes the darkness just covers it. So when someone discusses their "darkness" with you, all they really want is kindness, love and understanding words. Your "real" job here is to see how you feel about this conversation, then heal yourself. What is it that you are here in this moment to do? Take a look at the expression on their face as you begin to help. You can then tell what you have accomplished here, for yourself, that is. Do they stop talking, look ashamed, are they smiling? This is the clue to what you really wanted to happen here. Do you get stern and tell them to take the blame for their sickness and that it is a "lesson"? Do you tell them that everything is a mirror? Look at their face as you walk away. that is your clue as to what your agenda really is. Do you with hold love because they are asking for it all wrong?
Words alone do not create your reality, but how you think about them does. If you are constantly guarding other people's words, so they won't effect you, or quoting principles because you are...what?....afraid? If you are the teacher or paid healer in a situation, at times such things may provoke a healing. But you may be in a group who has learned or is learning metaphysical or healing principles or such, are you taking the opportunity to push the "younger" among you further away by your reactions.
Whoever is more peaceful during a trying situation be glad that you can bring this to you both. In your heart you share your love.