Tuesday, October 29, 2013


What is Healing?  Healing with energy is a modality of its' own  it is just now being researched in the U.S.  The Medical Center in Ann Arbor has conducted research programs.  Several hospitals have healing clinics and allow healers to work on their patients.  Beaumont is just one of them.
We can't prove why it works, just that it does, but not the same way every time and not in the same way for each person.  Jaya has been a partner in research lab testing that proved that her healing enhances the hemoglobin and improves the cells.  It also proved that when you receive a healing from Jaya your energy base increases threefold in three days. 

Healing is not curing.  It is a process.  Sometimes disease leaves, or it remains
yet life is different in some way.  At times symptoms change and doctors can now help what was hopeless.  We all need help and hope at times.

Many M.D.s integrate healing in their practices.  Dr. Richard Gerber M.D. is one of our Michigan doctors who has written a book about the many healing modalities.

The variety of known hands on healing modalities are:  Reiki, Seichim, Shamanism, Therapeutic Touch, Quantum touch, Chi-gong, SHEN, Polarity, Network Spinal Analysis and a bevy of more.
Jaya is a natural healer.  She practices Reiki, Polarity, Seichim and Tibetan Healing.

Some practitioners, as a specialty, or in combination with other therapies use: Applied Kinesiology.
flower essences, hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure, magnets, reflexology, iridology, vibrational , chakra healing, herbal and homepathics, distant healing, visualizations, water, music, radionics, vibrational machines, crystals, color, light, sound, essential oils, biofeedback, psychic healing, the healing harps, pendulums and channeling.

Jaya uses acupressure, reflexology, chakra healing, distant healing, visualizations, music, crystals color, sound, essential oils, psychic healing, The Healing Harp, the pendulum and channeling.

Healers who are trained use the energy that is all around us, combine it with the earth energy, their own physical energy and divine energy.  They focus this combination of energy through the heart  and hands in off-body or physical touch.

This focus is directed or guided spiritually in order to help heal dysfunction; mental, emotional, spiritual or physical.  It is also used to cleanse the aura, which is the energy field that surrounds the body.

The aura is seven layers that can hold disturbing or outdated thought or disease patterns.  The aura can be strong or weak.  Drugs can create disturbing patterns in the aura.  Fear, pain and negative feelings also create an effect.  Misconceptions and anger and depression and disconnection can be relieved with aura therapy.  Disharmony and emotional pain and memories can be released.  Blockages and feelings of being unloved or threatened are helped here.  Your spirituality can be enhanced with this work.

Names of the seven layers of the aura:  Etheric body, Emotional Body(lower emotional), Mental body, Astral body, Etheric Template (physical), Celestial body (emotional), Ketheric body (mental).

There are seven major energy vortexes in the body called chakras.  they reflect the condition of our body/spirit/mind.  They also respond to the major nerve plexuses of the physical body in that area of the body.

Each major chakra on the front is paired with its counterpart on the back of the body.  The frontal charkas are related to feelings, the back ones are related to the person's will.  The three on the head are related to the mental process.  Each has a color component.  When we are open and flowing with energy we can remain healthy and happy.  Trained healers can repair and clear these chakras.
Crown:  Upper brain, pineal, right eye, connection to God, spirituality. White, violet.
Head:  Lower brain, pituitary, left eye, nervous system, ears, nose, inner knowing, intuition.  Indigo.
Throat:  Broncial, thyroid, vocals, lungs, alimentary canal, truth.  Light blue.
Heart:   Thymus, heart, blood, vagus nerve, circulatory system, love.  Green.
Solar Plexis:  Pancreas, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system, power, will.  Yellow.
Sacral:  Reproductive system, gonads, relationship.  Orange.
Base:  , kidneys. Adrenals, spinal column.  survival, will to live.  Red.
Healers scan the body to know where to begin their work.  Healing can rapidly change our outlook without drugs.  Although we must follow what is best for us when under medical care.
Heal your mind, heal your body.  Recommended Books: Louise Hay:  You Can Heal Your Life.
Another interesting book is:  Wheels of Life

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