Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dime Store Christmas

A baby Jewel, so new, so bright!
Born on this lonely Christmas night.
No one knew yet, just her and me
And a broken dime store Christmas tree!
One toy, no food, no crib, just me!
What is this Christmas,
This Holiday Season?
Where's the joy,
What's the reason?
Dawn is breaking,
Light I see!
The toy, the tree, the baby, me!
And as I hold my baby tight
On this dime store Christmas night,
Light from the sky comes shining through.
The Light!  Its' God and me and you!

Jaya, 1990

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Psychic Healing Class

Jaya's Psychic Healing Training

You will learn to do a Psychic Healing on yourself and others.  No experience required.  An amazing technique to help others and yourself.  You will learn to scan the body for the issue, take it out with sound and bring in a new vibration.

During this class you will be receiving a Psychic Healing from your partner in training.

Then you will learn a method to remove the charge from the emotional part of the brain.  You need not be a practitioner to learn this or to benefit from it. 

Interested?  A one day weekend class is available. Are you perplexed by a physical or emotional problem?  A long distance Psychic Healing by Jaya may be arranged by call or email from any where in the world.

Jaya: 248-464-2049.  Class: $133.  $50 deposit required.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Learn to do a Psychic Healing

November 29th.  11am to 7pm.  $133.00.  $50 deposit.

You will learn to do a Psychic Healing on yourself!  Then you will have a partner to do one with. You will learn how to interview, scan for the problem, take it out with sound and allow a new vibration to enter. 

As in all of my classes you will give and receive a healing in order to learn.  no one has ever failed to do this type of healing!

Psychic Healing


A change in the mind can start a healing process in the body.  There is an energy field all around us. This field holds old and new thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotions.  If these work for us, our field is strong and healthy.  If they don't, our field is weak in some areas and over a period of time it may begin to cause disturbances in our body or mind and lead to dis-ease.

Sometimes old thoughts and feelings are repressed.  We wonder why we can't reach our goals or have work or a partner in our life that loves and supports us.  Peace in our minds cannot be obtained just by affirming it.  The mind wants you to know why and when it eluded you and then to have compassion for yourself.

Distant Healing:  Jaya can perform this Psychic Healing from a distance!

Jaya will ask you to state the purpose for this healing. What are you perplexed about?  She meditatively joins with you and the divine energy.  She scans the body to see where the problem resides.  Jaya will "see" the story either literally or metaphorically, tell it to you, get feedback and then take it out with sound.  She then places her hands back on the body and allows a new vibration to enter. This is discussed afterwards and affirmations are created from what left and what entered.  Eye modes are used with the affirmations so that the body can accept a new idea.  It usually takes two weeks for the mind to accept a new idea.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jaya's Healing Bodywork: Jaya's Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy

Jaya's Healing Bodywork: Jaya's Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy: Jaya's Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy There is a fluid (cerebral spinal fluid) that flows up and down the spine and around the brain...

Jaya's Healing Bodywork: Jaya's Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy

Jaya's Healing Bodywork: Jaya's Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy: Jaya's Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy There is a fluid (cerebral spinal fluid) that flows up and down the spine and around the brain...

Reiki Hands with Jaya

You can now go to You Tube and listen to my Reiki Hands with Jaya Album.
Also:  Seichim! Ignite Your Creative Fire with Jaya.
Your Journey to The Healing Temple of Light;
Venus and Mars;
The Cosmic Breathe with Jaya.
Reiki Hands with Jaya. DVD.

Throat, Thyroid, Mouth, Neck, Addiction, Truth, Creative Center