Friday, March 31, 2017

Write, Dance, Pray

#This I love..

I write in my journal everyday almost.  I keep track of my changes by keeping a page called "My Changes".  On that page I only write my positive outcomes.  My journals, on the other hand, include all the questions I ask myself, the emotions that I'm sorting through, my dreams; both lucid and nighttime, visions, desires, dilemas, perspectives, perplexions.

I draw pictures of how my visions look and how my dreams occur to me.  I draw and use a medicine wheel; a way of moving through the four directions.  This helps me with my feelings and desires and changes. Each movement helps you cycle around and experience growth and perspective.

I make up prose and poetry.  Well, I don't just make it up, it comes to me and I must write it down.  I've been published a few times.  Twice, I was asked for a poem; once from a massage school and once by a magazine.  Both told me that what I wrote seemed to represent what they feel is important to them for their readers and their work.  I've gotten an award once.

I have "written" music for my CDs and DVDs.  I just use my vision, movement and breath to explain what I want someone to play or sing for me, and guess what? They too feel it and comply and it works!  I play the harp to help me and others heal.  My harp is restrung to play a certain way.  Similar to just playing the black keys on a piano.  I place the harp on the body and play it according to what you need.  The sound goes deep into your body and soul. My CD, "Venus and Mars" has me on it playing the harp using the tones of the chakras.

I sing and tone too!  You may not want to hear it though!  I make up songs. I do this for my own pleasure and to create or celebrate myself and to help change or enhance me. I sing the Tibetan sounds all the time: Om, Ba, Zra, Sa, To, Hum, Om, Ah, Hum, Ha, Ho, Re!  We make up SoundSongs at the Full Moonfire.

Oh, I dance too!  "The Cosmic Dance", (also the title of a poem I wrote).  Shaking, moving, breathing and healing.  And the dance of energy fibers, which is reaching out and "smoothing" energy lines around me, my home and on into the waylines of the world. 

I make Dolls that represent my changes.  Kachinas, Bone Dolls, Fetishes, Heyokas, Prayer Sticks, Talking Sticks, Alter cloths, collages, the Labarinth following every 10 years of my life.  My "stones" talk with me.  I have several power animals.

I pray to the elements, the four leggeds, creepy crawlers, those in the sea, sky, water, fire, wind and moon, sun and stars, and all those that love me.

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